The Sports Ministry on Monday decided to launch its own probe into the allegations of sexual harassment against former women's hockey coach MK Kaushik by handing the task to its internal committee. Kaushik had resigned after player Ranjita Devi complained to Hockey India that he sexually harassed the recent Canada and China tours. HI had already referred the case to Delhi Police after examining the report of its five-member inquiry committee set up after Ranjita's complaint.
"The Ministry has issued an order to the Ministry's Sexual Harassment Committee to inquire into the recent allegations against MK Kaushik. The committee will follow due procedure laid down by honourable Supreme Court in the Vishakha case," a statement from the ministry said.
The ministry said that the committee will take into account the report of the inquiry panel set up by Hockey India to probe the allegations against Kaushik though it is yet to be received.
"The inquiry committee which was set up by HI which is yet to be received by the ministry will also be taken into consideration by the committee," the statement said. Regarding allegations of sexual harassment against weightlifting coach Ramesh Malhotra as made by Karnam Malleswari, the ministry on Monday decided to withdraw him from the national camp at NIS Patiala.
"The Ministry has issued instruction for withdrawing coach Malhotra from national camp for weightlifting. With a view to revamp and strengthen coaching administration in SAI the secretary SAI has been made in-charge," the ministry statement said.
Olympics bronze medallist Malleswari had alleged that Malhotra had been sexually harassing lifters for more than a decade now and he was suspended on Saturday by Indian Weightlifting Federation pending a probe by a committee comprising IWF vice-president Kumbasi Subramanya, Pal Singh Sandhu and joint Secretary Madan Lal Savli.
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